Frequently Asked Questions
In this section we solve some of the most common doubts
It depends on the size . According to the CTE DB-HE, it does not apply to buildings with a useful area of less than 50 m 2 .
If there is an existing network, it is connected by a chest. If it does not exist, a septic settling well will be made (consult specialized companies).
It is done through a single outlet directly from the municipal network.
Industry bulletins are required (through engineering).
All container walls must be properly insulated to achieve established thermal transmission values and avoid thermal bridges. This can be done inside or outside (protecting it properly).
It must be in accordance with the urban planning and building regulations of the municipality. A previous study of the terrain and applicable regulations are required by a competent technician (architect) who will also calculate and design the most suitable foundation.
Each case must be studied in detail to provide a solution with sufficient structural rigidity: green roofs, gravel, placement of solar panels, water tanks, etc.
There are permanent rigid joints (welding) or mechanical anchoring solutions, removable so that they do not lose their capacity for easy transport and reuse.
Each maritime container has common manufacturing elements and complies with conditions set forth in the relevant ISO standard, but is uniquely shaped. All this, together with the normal deformations derived from use, means that in construction using containers, we must analyze the containers that we are going to use with great attention to determine the best cut and reinforcement option for each project.
The options are many as long as the habitability, watertightness and insulation standards are met. In addition to aesthetic factors, others such as sun protection, temperature differences, exposure environment, etc. must be considered.
There are systems that allow you to have a sustainable container depending on the use: recyclable materials, low environmental impact, high energy efficiency carpentry, energy saving installations using solar panels connected to underfloor heating, etc.
The containers we use are perfectly standardized and vary in size: 20´, 40´, etc. The floor of the containers is made up of many steel beams (square, U-shaped, etc.) that are attached to the outer frame. The roof is a mere cover and does not serve to receive any load. Each container is different, but similar in its resistant characteristics. The pillars are generally very thick omega profiles (12 mm). They are stackable up to 5-6 heights depending on the load and are originally watertight and waterproof.
They are stackable up to 5-6 heights depending on the use, and according to the needs they could be adapted to:
- Temporary or stable housing / residence modules with one, two, three bedrooms or more.
- Office modules.
- Temporary businesses: kiosks, security posts, tourist office, stands, etc.
- Extension or annex to dwellings, either attached or on it: tools houses in the garden, guest house or added modules of rooms in the garden or terrace of a building.
- Bungalows located in campsites.